👜Monster Bag

You can check the Monsters and Monster Memory you currently own, and organize parties for PvP.

a. Monster Bag b. Party Organization

  1. Filter1

    • Monster

    • Memory

    • Favorite

  2. Filter2

  3. Sort

  4. Holding Monster -Simplified detailed view by selection

  5. Displayed when already placed in Farm

  6. Favorite Button

  7. ID & Free Icon

  8. Battle Count or Memory Icon

  9. Monster Name and Rank

  10. Overall Ability

  11. Training Parameters -Click to display General of Monster details

  12. Basic Parameters -Click to view Battle1 of Monster

  13. Details Skills -Click to view Battle2 of Monster

  14. Details View Monster Details

  15. If the selected Monster is Memory, Burn of Memory

Party Setting

Up to 10 can be registered and switched for PvP (not yet implemented). Basic usage is the same as Farm.

Last updated