
To bridge the OAS, please use the following sites


If you own Hash Chip NFTs on Polygon, you can bridge them onto MCH Verse through Marketplace and open.

This section explains how to bridge Hash Chip NFTs from Polygon onto MCH Verse.

1. Access Marketplace and connect your wallet

2. Access Mypage

3. Access Bridge page

4. Press the Bridge button on any Hash Chip NFT

5. Press Confirm to sign the transaction

6. When bridging is complete, press the Claim button

7/8. Select the Genesis BOX you want and press the Claim button

  • Group A: Faireaf, AstarCats, DEKAUSA, Sake Barrel PlanetMan

  • Group B: Golem, SignWitch, Layla, UPA

  • Group C: Tofu, ODENPETS, KidsHero, KidsVillain, P1

  • Group D: Unicorn, Hiyori, CandyConyTown, Ame-chan

  • Group E: Valius, Yamato, Icelime, Ossan Paradise

9. The obtained Genesis BOX can be opened in the Hash NFT page of My Assets

Last updated