
Fuse two monsters to create a single, new monster. The resulting monster’s birth parameters, traits, resistances, and initially acquired skills will be influenced by the fusion process.

The source monsters’seed determine the potential seed of the offspring, through an element of randomness that affects the final outcome.

Fusion typically creates monsters with enhanced starting parameters: however, the maximum lifespan of these monsters diminishes with each successive generation. AS a result, fusion may not always be the optimal strategy for monster raising.

  1. Seed display of selected Monster

  2. Selection of Base Monster

  3. Selection of Sub Monster

  4. Selection of fusion items

  5. Monsters that may be generated

  6. Execution of fusion

Fusion Logic

We will describe it briefly here. Detailed logic will be explained on a separate page in the future.

Main Seed & Sub Seed

Seed combinations are drawn from the main seed and sub seed of the Monster that was used as the base for the fusion. The main seed is more likely to be drawn from the base Monster, and the sub seed is more likely to be drawn from the sub Monster.

The combination is drawn to match the Monster that is always present.

Basic Parameters

It is calculated according to the following information. The base Monster has more affect.

  • Growth Potential

  • Growth value (current base parameters - base value)

  • Innate Trait "Inheritance"

  • Growth Potential of Monster after fusion


Depending on the skill acquisition status of the fusion source Monster, the initial skills of the fused Monster will be increased. The base Monster has more affect.


The fused Monster may inherit any of the traits possessed by the fused Monster. A maximum of two innate traits and two acquired traits can be inherited. The probability of inheriting the traits of the base Monster is increased.

Like & Dislike

Increases the likelihood that the fusion source Monster's likes and dislikes will be drawn. The affect of the base Monster is significant.


They are born 5% shorter than the base lifespan of the Monster after the fusion. In addition, as generations overlap due to fusion, life span attrition accumulates.


In fusion, you can use items you have on hand to have a variety of effects.

Main Seed Fixed

By using an item derived from each Monster's seed, the main seed of the Monster after the fusion can be fixed. For example, it is very unlikely that the sub seed of a Monster designated as a sub will be drawn as the main seed after fusion, but this type of item can be used to make it 100%.

Innate Traits

By using a secret data-type item, there is a possibility of inheriting a traits that is not possessed by the fusion source Monster. The inheritance probability is increased when the inherited traits of the item match those of the fusion source Monster.

Basic Parameters

Boost chips can be used for fusion to raise the basic parameters of the fused Monster. There are four types of boost chips, each of which has two basic parameters that can be increased.

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