
  1. Farm List

  2. Farm set switching

  3. Monster Rank & Name

  4. Remove -Returns the placed Monster to the Bag

  5. Bad Stats -Icon will be displayed when a Monster is fatigued or injured

  6. Monster -Click on a placed Monster to replace it with another Monster.

  7. Farm Name -Click on a Farm name to replace it with another Farm.

  8. Monster's Parameter1 -From the top, Fatigue, Stress, and Lifespan. Click to open the General page of Monster details.

  9. Monster's Parameter2 -Display of basic parameters. Click to open Battle1 of Monster details.

  10. Monster's Skill -Displays the skill currently set in the monster. Click to open Battle2 of Monster Details

  11. Raise -Moves to the raising screen

  12. Farm Slot (Monster not placed) -Can be released for 10,000 BIT at certain player ranks

  13. Farm Slot (Farm not yet placed) -Can be released for 20,000 BIT at certain player ranks

  14. Tournament(PvE) -The current tournaments are displayed. For details, go to the Tournament page

Last updated